Military Training

The Trust Deficit

COMBAT OUTPOST GARDA, WARDAK PROVINCE — Increasingly, coalition troops feel they cannot trust the Afghan soldiers and police with whom they live and serve. The increasing toll of “green-on-blue” killings drives a wedge of …

Iraq: Will Over Skill

Army Major David Cutright served twice in Iraq – in 2003-04 with the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, and in 2009-10 with the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division, when he was in an advise-and-assist role to the …

96 Seconds

It takes years to become an F-16 pilot, but only seconds to lose your plane – and perhaps your life – when things go haywire. On May 4, an Air Force pilot aboard a Viper during a routine war game over Utah ran into serious …

He NOEs What He’s Doing…

When helicopter pilots deftly hug the earth at treetop level, it’s called nap-of-the-earth – NOE – flying. It’s a technique designed to avoid enemy detection – flying under the radar, as it’s sometimes called.

It’s altogether something else to do it in a Navy F-18 jet fighter as in this video, anonymously posted on …

Trimming the Training Mission

The headline in Sunday’s Washington Post was pretty stark:

Afghan Recruit Training Halted

…it said.

A quick read of the article offered the reader no clue that the halt affects only about 3% of the entire U.S.-led Afghan …

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