Battleland Battleland

Just the Facts…

This came across the Reuters wire Monday:

…when President Obama crossed the Potomac last Friday, he was on a mission to reclaim enemy territory. In an unusual move, he made the budget announcement from within the Pentagon itself.

That’s reporter Michael Hastings blogging about President Obama’s visit to the Pentagon last week to …

Battleland Battleland

Girth of a Nation

North Korean television has released a 50-minute video honoring the Sunday birthday of Kim Jong Un, the country’s new leader. U.S. intelligence analysts are poring over it, looking for clues into what new direction, if any, the …

Battleland Battleland

Chart Attack

The number of drones is skyrocketing in the U.S. military, yet they account for less than a dime of every dollar spent on military aircraft, according to these two charts in a new Congressional Research Service report. Kind of makes a taxpayer wonder if the $380 billion the nation is investing in the fledgling manned F-35 fighter …

Battleland Battleland

“Prime Minister Maliki, May I?”

For nearly a decade, the U.S. Air Force flew anywhere over Iraq, whenever it pleased. For the decade before that – as it patrolled the northern and southern no-fly zones, over the top and bottom third of Saddam Hussein’s

Battleland Battleland

Are Iran’s “Red Lines” Equally Red?

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was so busy talking about “red lines” over the weekend, you could be forgiven for thinking he was a hockey player — or a racecar driver. Of course, the defense chief’s red lines dealt with Iran – and it’s worth noting, for those of you keeping score at home – that one red line is far more …

Battleland Battleland

Amputations (cont.)

We have reported before how the number of amputations among U.S. troops in Afghanistan continues to climb, even as the number of American troops killed there fell between 2010 and 2011. Here’s the latest, just-released data from the Pentagon medical community (click on it to enlarge). It shows just how grimly effective a weapon the …

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