After James Holmes launched a Batman-movie massacre in Colorado on July 20 that killed 12, the U.S. Army quickly issued a statement declaring that he had never served in an Army uniform. Monday morning, Aug. 6, alas, Battleland …
Military Mental Health
New Study: U.S. Military Suicide Rate Now Likely Double or Triple Civil War’s
Editor’s note: we spent a lot of time trying to dig up historical data on suicide in the U.S. military for our recent story on the current epidemic. The Army itself has only been keeping accurate suicide statistics for about 30 years, making historical comparisons difficult. A pair of scholars in the field has just released a
“The Fight Doesn’t End When They Get Home”
Dealing with the nation’s veterans – both those who have served since 9/11, and the older ones who came before – has always been a challenge. That’s what makes the approach being championed by Soldier On in Massachusetts …
Dark Knight Shooter Not A Veteran
I have to admit that when I saw the news about the Aurora, Colo., shootings Friday morning, my first reaction wasn’t appropriate. My very first instincts should have been shock and sympathy towards the victims and their …
“We spend about $10 million per hour in the Afghanistan war and right now we are losing a soldier every day to suicide. Shifting an hour’s worth of war funding to the fight of preventing soldier suicides is the least we can do.”
$10 Million More for Military Suicide Prevention
The House approved an amendment to next year’s defense spending bill Wednesday night that shifts $10 million from training Afghan security forces to fighting suicide in the ranks of the U.S. military.
Fighting the Stigma
Financed by the Pentagon and produced by the Institute of Medicine, (that influential member of the National Academy of Sciences with particular political and legislative sway), a 400-page report published Friday recommended a broad range of PTSD-related initiatives. They include annual PTSD screenings for troops returning from combat, …
Lacking at Lackland
Multiple victims (31). Multiple instructors implicated in abuse (12). Intimidating recruits. Rape in the closet.
I’m not talking about the Aberdeen sex scandal 15 years ago, but details of what is alleged to have happened over the last three years at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.
“Killing as an Option”
Much energy, attention, and money has been focused on trying to understand—and end—the dramatic rise in suicide within the military. And while this attention has resulted in the development of many efforts and programs, many of which have improved the overall well being of the force, the increase in suicides among those who serve …
Is Sexual Violence Endemic to the U.S. Military?
Aaron Belkin is at the nexus of the military and its challenges in dealing with sexual matters in the ranks. A professor of political science at San Francisco State University, he founded and directs the Palm Center, a think tank that conducts research into gender and military issues that is part of the UCLA law school.
His new book, …
Help If You’re Worried About Your Military Loved One
Over at Time’s Healthland blog, Alexandra Sifferlin has a to-do list for family members who are concerned that their soldier, sailor airman or Marine might be thinking of suicide.
Detailing What We Do – And Don’t — Know
The Institute of Medicine, the health arm of the federal National Academy of Sciences, published a new and comprehensive study on treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Friday
It has been all over the airwaves and electronic waves this past weekend. I was actually surprised by the extent of the media coverage, as there were few …
Self-Inflicted Crisis
Military suicides are at record levels, but the causes remain elusive…