Air Force
General Jack Benny
Usually it’s a priest, a rabbi and a minister who launch a joke. But when Army General Marty Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke to the Air Force Association Wednesday, he opened up with an airman, a sailor …
“The worst I’ve ever seen.”
Fill ‘er Up!
Privatizing War
There’s a new link in the chain that operates U.S. forces in war zones. You can see it in the Air Force’s own crash reports.
Usually, there’s a section up front called “Unit Information,” and it deals with the …
FLASH: Military Officer Actually Fixes Something!
Air Force Major David Castor did two tours in Iraq, basically ensuring everyone could communicate with everyone else. In this recently-posted July interview with the Army’s Combat Studies Institute at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, …
Calls for Phantom Defense Cuts Must Stop
Fiscal restraint is en vogue and increasingly the cover many are using to push other agendas. Republicans spent a week in Tampa monitoring America’s mounting national debt at their recent convention. Democrats included a call …
“I would add more F-22s.”
Manning Unmanned Systems
Eyes glaze over when diving deep into Defense Science Board studies, those phonebook-thick reports (today more PDF than pdf) salted through with buzz phrases (potentially unlimited persistent capabilities, bounded autonomous …
Heading Home
Another Name for a Panel of Military Officers Discussing Logistics
Three Good Things About Drones…
Meanwhile, Somewhere in Southwest Asia…
The Air Force just opened an Airman and Family Readiness Center for the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing somewhere in southwest Asia. But it won’t get any more specific about where it’s based, apparently because the host nation …