The United States and other international security and development partners would risk snatching defeat from the jaws of something that could still resemble victory if, due to frustration with President Hamid Karzai or domestic budgetary pressures, they were to accelerate disengagement between now and 2014 and under-resource their commitment to Afghanistan after 2014.
— From a new study, here, from the Center for a New American Security. Its heavy-weight authors are retired Marine general John Allen, who commanded the effort until February, Michèle Flournoy, the No. 3 civilian at the Pentagon until last year, and Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution.

The Rise (and Fall) of the VA Backlog

Officials with the Department of Veterans Affairs likely won’t acknowledge it publicly until later this year, but those responsible for processing disability claims believe the infamous “backlog” peaked more than two months …

A Single Bound

Staff Sgt. Ray Perez-Rosa clears a canal while on a foot patrol to counteract indirect fire near Combat Outpost Baraki Barak, May 21.

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