U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Chris Brown
Chris Brown served four years in the United States Marine Corps. Wanting to challenge himself, he enlisted directly after high school. At the age of 18 he served his first combat deployment as a gunner in Fallujah, Iraq. In 2007, Chris deployed again to the Al-Anbar province of Iraq as part of the troop surge. As a Fire Team Leader and grenadier, Chris was responsible for the lives of the rest of the Marines on his squad. Nearing the end of his deployment, a large truck filled with explosives detonated outside of his partrol base. While 20 Marines received Purple Hearts for their wounds, none were killed due his team’s impeccable bravery and leadership. In 2008, with his enlistment nearing its end, Chris deployed a third time to Afghanisatan as a “partial deployer.” Upon his return home, he was discharged as a non-commissioned officer. Wanting to live his life in honor of his 41 fallen comrades, Chris reached out to The Mission Continues.
Through The Mission Continues, Chris was granted a fellowship at Growing Washington, a non-profit farming organization. At Growing Washington, Chris is using his military experience to develop a program to assist returning war veterans gain opportunities in sustainable agriculture. He is excited to bring his leadership skills to the table by heading up program development, research, and outreach.
After his fellowship, Chris hopes to attend graduate school and continue to work with returning veterans.
How to get involved:
Contact The Misson Continues at http://missioncontinues.org/get-involved