U.S. Army Veteran Eric Browy
While at Walter Reed, my depression and what I learned was PTSD became visible to others and they suggested I start going to counseling, and taking medication. On December 27, 2006 I was Medically Retired from the Army and returned home. Where the next big fight of my life occurred, for all who have made this transition can relate. I moved into my parents’ house, where I shut myself off from everyone including my Army friends, my family and my childhood friends. I felt very isolated, and that I couldn’t relate to anyone. I had grown cold-hearted and bitter, and loathed the person I had become for it.
After reaching 270 pounds, I decided I needed to change my life, and I began to work out. It was slow at first, but eventually I got the confidence enough to join group fitness classes and did that for a while; finally a friend talked me into doing my first triathlon. I loved it. It ignited the competitive fire that had smoldered to ash, and I became passionate about fitness again. The craziest thing was happening at the same time, and it caught me by surprise–I was becoming happy again. I could enjoy time with others and I looked forward to getting out and running with friends and meeting people at races. I eventually didn’t need my medication anymore.
At this point in my life I am back down to 190 pounds and I work out 6 days a week, because it is what keeps me happy and allows me to sleep at night. I am now the proud Chapter Captain for Team RWB Charlotte. Team Red, White & Blue’s mission is so important, but not just because we aid in the transition from military service to civilian life. Team RWB is an organization that empowers you to become a leader again….to be productive and contribute to your community. This is not a group of people who want to do things for you; they want to do things with you. They want to give you the tools to take care of yourself and the biggest one is to be in a community, be active and always remember that you have people nearby who care.
How to get involved:
Contact Team Read, White and Blue at http://teamrwb.org/get-involved/join-the-team