With the clock ticking down until a crucial Federal Trade Commission vote over whether to sue Google for antitrust violations, the search giant’s CEO Larry Page met with federal officials in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.
Should We Ban ‘Killer Robots’? Human Rights Group Thinks So
As if deploying drones — unmanned aerial vehicles — on the battlefield wasn’t controversial enough, here’s an even more disturbing question: Should we allow weapon-wielding robots that can “think” for themselves to …
MOOC Brigade: Can Online Courses Keep Students from Cheating?
As more colleges debate whether to give students credit for taking massive open online courses, tech companies are looking into using everything from webcam proctors to retina scans to cut down on cheating
Raiders of the Lost Stream: Netflix Fight with Carl Icahn Escalates over ‘Poison Pill’
Internet video giant Netflix announced a defensive maneuver Monday designed to fend off famed corporate raider Carl Icahn, who has amassed a sizable stake in the company and suggested it should be sold.
Reward: $50,000 for an Effective Way to Block Robocalls
It’s one of the less pleasant aspects of modern life — answering the phone only to find yourself talking to a pre-recorded telemarketer.
Introducing Changes to Our Commenting System
Things are changing at TIME.com. Along with our brand-new look and feel (more on that here), we’re happy to announce we’re switching to LiveFyre for our new commenting system.
Return Fire on the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship
Last week on Time’s Battleland blog there was a piece by Mr. John Sayen entitled The Navy’s New Class of Warships: Big Bucks, Little Bang.
Obviously, Mr. Sayen is not a fan of the Littoral Combat Ship. And that’s OK. We …
MOOC Brigade: With Free Online Classes, Guilt Is Part of the Bargain
One of TIME’s personal-finance writers on the trouble with trying to get something for nothing
Sky-High WiFi
If civilian passengers can now get the Internet on airplanes, shouldn’t troops be able to get it on the battlefield?
The Air Force has just awarded Northrop Grumman a $20 million contract to do just that, by adding new …
MOOC Brigade: Back to School, 26 Years Later
As Coursera signs up more top-tier schools, TIME’s technology writer weighs in on the gamification class taught by Wharton’s Kevin Werbach
Playing Checkers in Kabul
It’s becoming increasingly clear that Afghanistan is like a giant checkerboard, and U.S. and NATO troops are the checkers, limited to the black squares.
After more than a decade of war combined with a hearts-and-minds …
Using Twitter to Crack Down on Bullying
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have developed a computer program that caught 15,000 bullying-related tweets in one day.
10 Ways Mobile Technology Is Changing Our World
From the battle for the White House to the dynamics of a first date, our lives are being reshaped by the constant presence of our phones — and our evolving relationship with the idea of being connected to everyone and …