Is technology to blame for the rise of behavioral disorders?
Violent Video Games Don’t Make Us Less Caring
Do violent video games make people more callous and less likely to help others?
Aaron Swartz’s Father Praises ‘Aaron’s Law’ Proposal
Six months after prominent Internet activist Aaron Swartz killed himself in his Brooklyn apartment, his father endorsed new legislation designed to reform the federal law that U.S. prosecutors used to threaten his son with 35 …
The Great 1980s TIME Giveaway Gadgets
Once upon a time, there were TIME-branded tech products–lots of them. Here’s their story.
Wish Granted: This Robot Knows When to Pour You a Brewski
This is a robot that not only pours you a beer, but “knows” not to if you start slopping your glass around
It’s a Sideshow! It’s Scientific! It’s STEAM Carnival!
Two entrepreneurs hope to teach kids about science and technology via a traveling attraction that’s both new-wave and old-timey
This Apple-1 Is the Most Expensive Apple Computer Ever
An example of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs’ first computer breaks a record at a Cologne, Germany auction.
An Airway Created with a 3D Printer Saved This Baby’s Life
If you think 3D printing’s overhyped with all this talk of plastic guns and strange, spider-like houses, you clearly haven’t seen this: a tiny airway splint created using a 3D printer that saved a three-month-old’s life.
Gambling on Tumblr: Marissa Mayer’s Billion-Dollar Bet to Make Yahoo Cool
What’s the price of “cool”?
Rejoice! The End of ‘User Name and Password’ May Be Nigh
What’s the absolute worst part of the Internet? Reasonable folks may disagree.
Report: Google Fiber Coming to Austin as Cities Race to Boost Web Speeds
America’s weirdest city is about to get wired.
Google Fiber is coming to Austin, Texas, according to multiple reports. If …
Google Glass Will Be Made in the USA by Foxconn
Google‘s high-tech glasses will be manufactured in California, according to multiple reports, in the latest example of an …
Is Broadband Internet Access a Public Utility?
Should broadband Internet service be treated as a basic utility in the United States, like electricity, water, and traditional telephone service?