Military History

The Army’s Report Card

The Army has just surveyed more than 40,000 of its people about how it’s faring, and gives itself an A, or something pretty close to it.

The Army Profession (AP) Campaign Annual Report (where do they come up with such titles?) spells out how the service has been able to come through more than a decade of war pretty much intact. There …

The U.S. in Vietnam…Today

Amid the troubles in Afghanistan, it’s worth thumbing through the State Department inspector general’s report on our embassy in Vietnam released Tuesday. Basically, the 835 folks there – fewer than 200 of them Americans – …

Growing Up Patton

Just how heavy a rucksack is carrying the name Patton around on your back? Benjamin Patton, grandson of World War II’s legendary General George Patton, has sat himself down and written a book on the very topic.

Growing Up Patton: Reflections on Heroes, History, and Family Wisdom distills Ben Patton’s views on the general, much of it …

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

Harvard professor Stephen M. Walt has a new piece on the Foreign Policy website on the key lessons of the Iraq war. The first:

“The United States lost.”

Kind of strange the article’s posted the same week that Harvard welcomes back Army ROTC to campus. This should confirm your view of the Ivy League school as the font of all …

RIP: Magnificent Valor

In the spring of 1944, the focus of the American army in Europe was the fighting in Italy. Van Barfoot was a sergeant in the 157th Infantry, part of the 45th Division. The 25 men in his platoon, like the other 150,000 Americans on the beachhead, had been bombed and shelled regularly by German aircraft and artillery since they arrived …

Life Inside a Baghdad ER

The war in Iraq is over. But the memories and recollections will be with us for decades to come. It’s nice, for a change, to focus on those who dedicated their time in country to saving, rather than taking, lives.

Dr. Todd Baker has just published Baghdad ER: Fifteen Minutes, about his tour as chief of the emergency section of …

Last Iraq MIA Found

Last month Battleland’s Bingham C. Jamison wrote about Staff Sgt. Ahmed Kousay al-Taie, the last U.S. troop missing in action in Iraq:

There are few things in military life more frustrating than searching for a fellow Marine or soldier you are unable to find and bring home. I know, because I’ve tried, and failed…We must bring

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