
Hot Shots

The Pentagon’s only wildfire-fighting team has been dispatched to help fight the Colorado wildfires. Well, one Colorado wildfire. After all, it’s only a team of 18.

And since the Vandenberg Hot Shot squad belongs to the …

Building Bridges in Afghanistan

Major James Palmer liked to think of himself as a bridge builder when he was in Afghanistan in 2010 and 2011…most likely because, as an Army engineer, he is a bridge builder. Anyone who has had to live without a bridge in his …

Death Before Dishonor

Army Major Dortina Stephens was a logistics officer stationed in Iraq in 2007 and 2009 who helped train the Iraqi military. One of five daughters, she was the only one who followed their father into the Army.

Stephens spoke of her experiences in in this recently-posted April interview with the Combat Studies Institute at Fort …

Tents Aren’t Us

If there is one thing you’d figure the U.S. Army didn’t lack, it would be tents. But you’d be wrong.

The folks at Fort Carson are seeking “high-quality tents and accessories needed to make them operational” for …

“If You Ever Wonder What a Deployment Is Like, Go to Prison”

Some soldiers get along, and others don’t. It’s the latter that make for the most interesting tales when they speak of their time at war. Army Major Ryan Ussery is a logistician – the guy who keeps the beans, bullets and boots coming to the troops on the front lines (motto: Sustinendum Victoriam). He has pulled three tours in Iraq, …

Trash Talk…

Trash can be deadly. You can get a hint of that from the contract solicitation issued Tuesday by the Defense Logistics Agency’s European disposition office seeking “hazardous waste services in southwest Asia.”

Lord …


…otherwise know as the Army’s Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise. Or, as the Army says:

The Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise (EAGLE) program will be used to procure logistics services requirements, primarily Material Maintenance Services, Retail/Wholesale Supply Services and Transportation Support Services in support

They Better Be 100% Silk

Five of the first six contract awards announced Tuesday were for parachutes costing nearly $1 billion. All five contracts were for “low-cost, low velocity parachutes.” Alas, as is becoming increasingly common, the contract …

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