Washington Governor Suspends Death Penalty

Gov. Jay Inslee suspended capital punishment in the state due to “flaws in the system”

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Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee suspended use of the death penalty in his state on Tuesday, calling it an inconsistent and unequal method of punishment.

Inslee said he deliberated for months before coming to his decision, meeting with the families of victims, as well as prosecutors and law enforcement, the Associated Press reports.

“There have been too many doubts raised about capital punishment, there are too many flaws in this system today,” Inslee, a Democrat, said in a news conference. “There is too much at state to accept an imperfect system.”

The announcement means that Inslee will grant a reprieve going forward to any death penalty case that comes up in Washington state. The reprieve does not grant a pardon and does not commute convicts’ sentences.
