One of the two teens found delinquent in the 2012 rape of a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, Ohio has been released after serving less than a year in a juvenile detention facility.
Ma’lik Richmond was released from the Cuyahoga Hills Juvenile Detention Facility on Sunday, according to WTRF news. Richmond and Trent Mays, who were 16 and 17, respectively, at the time of the verdict, were found delinquent — guilty, in the terms of the juvenile justice system — in the rape of a 16-year-old girl at a post-football game party in August 2012. Richmond and Mays were stars of the local high school football team, and the assault came to light after fellow party-goers posted photos and videos of the assault on Instagram and YouTube. It was a trial that captured the attention of the nation.
Mays was sentenced to an additional year in jail for illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material, which he will serve after his rape sentence is completed. Now that he is released, Richmond will have to register as a sex offender every six months for the next 20 years. His name will not be included in public websites, and he can request to have the classification removed after completing rehabilitation.
In November, four school officials were charged with obstructing the investigation. Ohio’s state attorney general said more indictments are unlikely.