
..the value of the contract the Pentagon announced Monday to build the U.S. Strategic Command Replacement Facility in Omaha, Neb. STRATCOM’s original headquarters was built in 1957. Work is slated to be completed on September 11, 2016.

“The new STRATCOM headquarters is a non-partisan accomplishment,” said Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., who got the ball rolling with a $10 million earmark to prepare for construction in 2009. “Parties didn’t push this – a partnership for Nebraska did. I’m proud to say that the Nebraska congressional delegation, the Nebraska Legislature, and the Nebraska business community made a coordinated push to ensure that this project moved forward.”

The new facility, nearly 1 million square feet, will be home to the military command responsible for the nation’s nuclear arsenal, space operations, information ops, global missile defense and the fight against weapons of mass destruction.

“Helping our military meet the challenges of this century is vital to our nation’s security, especially in this age of enhanced nuclear, biological, chemical and cyber threats,” added Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb. “This new facility will ensure STRATCOM is equipped to successfully carry out its mission.”

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