On the eve of the big game, city officials ramp up efforts to help victims of sex trafficking and prosecute pimps
Women’s Issues
11 Surprising Facts About Women and Poverty From the Shriver Report
Plus a closer look at why some fathers are leaving mothers in the lurch
Supreme Court Won’t Reinstate Arizona Abortion Ban
Lower court ruling stands in victory for pro-choice movement
Michigan Lawmakers To Consider Separate Insurance For Abortion
A petition to require women to buy additional insurance for abortion was certified Monday
Supreme Court to Review Birth Control Mandate
The High Court will consider whether corporations should be treated the same as individuals in exercising First Amendment freedom of religion claims
The Dark Side of Clearing America’s Rape Kit Backlog
Texas has begun analyzing 20,000 of the nation’s estimated 400,000 untested rape kits, but opening up 20-year-old cold cases can be a painful exercise
California Counters National Abortion Trend
As many states crack down on the procedure, a new bill may expand access
Has the Fight for Abortion Rights Been Lost?
Abortion-rights activists won an epic victory in Roe v. Wade. They’ve been losing ever since
U.S. Panel Warns Hormone Replacement Therapy Is Too Risky
A government group is advising women to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat symptoms of menopause for only short periods of time.
Women’s Inhumanity to Other Women in the Workplace
Harvesting Labor Rights: Chavez’s UFW At 50
On September 30, 1962, legendary Chicano civil rights activist Cesar Chavez founded what would become the United Farm Workers of America—and with migrant labor a focus of the U.S. political debate, the UFW’s 50th anniversary is …
Sex Education in Mississippi: Will a New Law Lower Teen Pregnancy Rates?
Mississippi, which has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the U.S., is starting to make its public schools offer sex education, but the law comes with many restrictions