Lowers jolly roger, hands over treasure chest
Rescue in Somalia: SEALs Strike Again
Even as President Obama publicly praised the Navy’s SEALs Tuesday night for killing Osama bin Laden, a team of the elite war-fighters was wrapping up the daring rescue of a pair of international mine-clearers, including an American woman, who had been held for three months by Somali thugs.
U.S. troops rescued Jessica Buchanan …
Grim News: Reaper Down
A week after the U.S. lost a drone over the Afghan-Iran frontier, the Air Force announced Tuesday morning that one of its MQ-9 Reaper drones crashed at the Seychelles International Airport earlier in the day. “The MQ-9 was not …
Good Economic News at Last
In theses times of layoffs, deficits and budget cuts, anything involving finances that grows at a 37% clip over two years is good news, right? Well, here’s the latest on the pirate front, from Kenya’s The East African:
Ransom payments paid by shipping companies to Somali pirates have reached nearly $110 million this year — a
Hidden Wounds, Unhidden Costs
A new report out this week – combined with a new report out last week – suggest there will be hefty costs associated with taking care of the nation’s post-9/11 veterans. This week’s report, released Wednesday, says vets with mental-health ailments require a lot more treatment, at far higher cost, than those without such ills. …
Bringing the U.S. Sailors Home from Libya
President Obama and his national-security team have said will be no “U.S. boots on the ground” inside Libya. Yet 13 U.S. Navy commandos remain interred on Libyan soil. There’s a growing push to bring them home after more than 200 years on the shores of Tripoli. It’s a strange tale: the 13, led by Navy Master Commandant Richard …
Pirate Map!
Alas, there’s no X to mark the spot where the treasure is buried. This is the fascinating report — The Economics of Piracy — we cited a couple of weeks ago that noted Somali pirates can make up to $79K annually plying their trade. Finally got a copy of it, here, from the author, Peter Middlebrook of Geopolicity in the UAE.
He …
Piracy Pays…
We tend to think of the pirate tales out in the Indian Ocean as a throwback to earlier times of clipper ships and gold doubloons. But in 2010, it was a big — make that huge — business. According to a piece in Business Daily Africa on Monday, Indian Ocean pirates cost the world economy as much as $12 billion in 2010 in ransoms, …