Around the country over the past week, gas prices have been dropping nearly 2¢ per day, on average. At this pace, by next summer, gas will be free!
Damn Yankees: Is Texas Losing Its Twang?
In-migration and the proliferation of media are leading to the disappearance of the Lone Star State’s accent—except in very specific social situations
Grownups In Costumes: Have Adults Ruined Halloween?
American adults now spend significantly more money on their own Halloween costumes than on their children’s.
Religious Group Accuses Anti-Bullying ‘Mix It Up at Lunch Day’ of Promoting Gay Agenda
Get ready, schoolkids: the culture wars are coming to a cafeteria near you.
For 2012 Holidays, War Is On Against Amazon: Target Matches Online Rival Prices
The competition for shopper dollars is always fierce during the winter holidays. Last year, arguably no retailer was as aggressive as Amazon, which boldly stole customers with a price-checking app promotion that was described as …
What Happened to the American Middle-Class Meal?
Wither goes our economy, so too goes our cuisine
World Trade Center Spire Being Held ‘Ransom’ in Contract Dispute
Ultra-Cheap Cars Are Coming – Even to the U.S.
Healthier Cholesterol Levels Among U.S. Adults
The Decline of the Wasp President
Tribal — and religious — distinctions that used to define our leaders and ourselves have fallen away
Anchorage, Alaska Airport Evacuated Due to Joke
PSA: Jokes about bombs at airports are never funny.