
The Kellys, like thousands of other military families over the last decade, have felt the heartbreak of war in the most profound way possible.
— Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, speaking Monday in Miami of his outgoing senior military assistant, Marine General John Kelly, and his wife, Karen, as Kelly became chief of U.S. Southern Command. Their son, Marine 2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly, 29, was killed by a land mine while on a foot patrol in Helmand province, Afghanistan, two years ago this month.

U.S. Stamp Prices to Increase by 1 Cent

With less than two months left until 2013, people are probably starting to consider their New Year’s resolutions: giving up smoking, going on a diet, spending less money or more time with their families.

Why the Pentagon Costs So Much…

We all grumble about how much the U.S. military costs to run. When we do, we tend to focus on troops (pay, health care, benefits, retirement) and weapons (costly stealth coatings, turbine tank engines, electro-magnetic launchers …

False Ceiling

A “contract ceiling,” to normal people, is an amount a contract cannot exceed. Brilliant metaphor. Monday evening the Pentagon announced an $8.4 million boost to an engineering contract “to increase the ceiling amount.” Then why call it a ceiling?

Highest-Tech War

The U.S. Army is shipping some high-tech stuff off to Afghanistan, apparently for the war effort, even as troops have begun coming home. They won’t say a word about it, but are talking about the custom-built shipping cases they

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