Clinton’s testimony before Congress produced plenty of heat but little new light. Hillary’s history at State likely …
When “No Acts of Terror” Actually Means “This Act of Terror”
When bad things happen, it’s human nature to accentuate the positive, as Johnny Mercer put it. That’s precisely what the Obama Administration did following the September 11 killing of U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and …
“assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures”
When the No-Fly Zone Didn’t Fly
Reporter Michael Lewis profiles President Obama in the latest Vanity Fair. He views the President through the prism of basketball, and the F-15 weapons officer whose plane crashed in in Libya 18 months ago.
But the most …
To The Shores of Benghazi…
The news of the killing of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, in an attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi is bitter. It was Benghazi, after all, that was the heart of the Libyan revolution last year. Libyan leader …
“We actually have a distinction between `lessons identified' and `lessons learned' – sometimes you can identify the lesson, but you don't learn.”
Pilots Downed in Libya Tell Their Tale
The crew members of that F-15E that went down in Libya nearly a year ago have finally surfaced to tell their story. Over at CNN’s Security Clearance blog, one of them tells Barbara Starr what it felt like:
Very much like if
Pilot Error
The Air Force released a pair of probes into high-profile airplane accidents last week. Both play peek-a-boo with that phrase aviators hate: pilot error.
The first blames an F-22 pilot for crashing as he apparently – and …
Gaddafi’s Death: A Fox Rerun?
The long-forgotten television show Second Chance aired on the fledgling Fox network from September to November, 1987. This bit from its pilot episode 24 years ago — that would be after Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi ordered a Berlin disco bombing that …
Trick or Treat, Moammar Goblinafi!
Somehow seems appropriate that NATO’s mission in Libya is now slated to end October 31, a week from Monday. That would be Halloween (want to scare your neighbors? Get your Gaddafi mask here). “We have taken a preliminary decision to end Operation Unified Protector on Oct. 31, and we will take a formal decision in the next few days,” …
Why America Should Go Slow on Declaring Victory in Libya — Or Making Promises
[Co-written with Michael S. Smith II of Kronos Advisory LLC]
The demise of Col Qaddafi, a despicable despot who should have met this or a worse fate sooner, will likely give rise to power grabs in Libya by groups whose agendas will often be anything other than what meets the eye. Despite many power holders’ claims of …
Photo Op: Local Angle
Libya: After-Action Report
Now that Moammar Gaddafi has been consigned to history, it’s time to figure out who — other than the Libyan people, hopefully — wins from the seven-month fight that toppled his 42-year regime.
As we noted Thursday — and was echoed Friday in the New York Times and Washington Post, among other foghorns — President Obama gets …