Ever since Battleland raised this issue with then-top-Army doc Lieut. General Peter Schoomaker four years ago, there’s been a whirring debate over changing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to Post-Traumatic Stress, or some other less-stigmatizing label. The logic is pretty simple: in the nooks and crannies of our brains where bad …
Amputations (cont.)
We have reported before how the number of amputations among U.S. troops in Afghanistan continues to climb, even as the number of American troops killed there fell between 2010 and 2011. Here’s the latest, just-released data from the Pentagon medical community (click on it to enlarge). It shows just how grimly effective a weapon the …
Dying to Withdraw…
On November 14th, two weeks before he was supposed to go home, Spc. David Emanuel Hickman became the last American service member to be killed in Iraq. While on a regular “presence patrol” in Baghdad, his vehicle was struck …
How Much Is Your Testicle (Or Ovary) Worth?
Unfortunately, due to the enemy’s favorite weapon in Afghanistan and Iraq – the improvised explosive device – that’s not an irrelevant question. The roadside bombs often are buried and blow up as a soldier walks over them, which can cause serious harm to one’s nether regions, if he or she is fortunate enough to survive. Such …