Well, someone had to start calling them the “Founding Fathers.”
World War II Navajo Code Talker George Smith Dies
Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly used his Facebook page to announce the Tuesday passing of 90-year-old code talker George Smith.
Thousands of Historical Treasures Missing from National Archives
If you’d like to see the Wright brothers’ original airplane patent, documents signed by Voltaire or some of the photographs taken by the first astronauts on the moon, you’re out of luck: these irreplaceable documents, along …
Lincoln to the Rescue
What the master politician of 1862 can teach the presidential hopefuls of 2012
A.L. Confidential
To really understand Abraham Lincoln, you’ve got to know what he hid in his desk
Lincoln Portraits: From Frontier Lawyer to War President
Abraham Lincoln’s angular features, beard and signature top hat gave the 16th president quite a distinctive look. From the daguerreotype that’s the earliest-known photograph of Abraham Lincoln, taken circa 1846-1847, to the
Strangers to Reason: Life Inside a Psychiatric Hospital, 1938
Gunning for White-Winged Doves, 1961
Rare $5 Alaska Bill Worth $300,000 Goes to Auction
Harvesting Labor Rights: Chavez’s UFW At 50
On September 30, 1962, legendary Chicano civil rights activist Cesar Chavez founded what would become the United Farm Workers of America—and with migrant labor a focus of the U.S. political debate, the UFW’s 50th anniversary is …