Meet Karen Lewis, the Union Leader at the Center of the Chicago Teachers Strike
Fighting against the famously sharp-tongued mayor of Chicago is Karen Lewis, a relative newcomer to union leadership who now commands an army of 29,000 teachers and support staff in the nation’s third largest school district
MOOC Brigade: Will Massive, Open Online Courses Revolutionize Higher Education?
On the plus side, MOOCs are free, open to anyone and taught by professors at prestigious universities. On the downside, they have low completion rates, and critics questions the utility of students being graded by their peers. …
A Back-to-School Fight Over the Right to Classroom Prayer
ACT Scores Show High School Students Are Not Ready for College
One More Time: Yes, College Is Worth It
A new study shows that despite the plight of unemployed college graduates, a degree still holds its value. Plus, education news on plagiarism in online courses and high school dropouts.
Why Mississippi’s Students Start Behind — and Stay Behind
The first in a series in which The Hechinger Report is teaming up with TIME to examine what’s behind the woeful performance of Mississippi’s schoolchildren, as well as possible solutions to help them catch up
The New Complacency About Schools Is Ill-Informed
Why the latest data on student performance doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels
The Brewing Legal Battle Over Same-Sex Education
Does separating boys and girls in the classroom help learning or reinforce dangerous stereotypes?
Is Online Teacher Training Good for Public Education?
Internet courses and degrees are exploding at every level of education, but questions remain over whether it’s possible to teach people to be face-to-face classroom instructors in a program that’s entirely online
Why Romney’s Big School Voucher Idea Is Really Pretty Puny
Three reasons the candidate’s school-choice proposal is less provocative than it seems
Forget Wisconsin. The Unions’ Biggest Loss Was in California
Pension reform will help cities balance budgets, but will their schools still be able to attract talented teachers?
5 Things Teachers Could Learn from the Marines
Why Fallujah might have more to teach us than Finland about improving our schools