Gun-toting Americans are not aware that they are closer to Barack Obama than the NRA on the gun control debate.
Arms Control
Is Wall Street Abandoning Gun Manufacturers?
There have been clear signs this week that after the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., the balance of power in the debate over gun control is shifting.
The Myth of Second Amendment Exceptionalism
We make tradeoffs in personal liberties all the time. Why is gun control any different?
Scare-Trigger Alert
Hard to believe the notion of “de-alerting” the nation’s nuclear weapons – removing them from their current hair-trigger status – remains controversial 20 years after the end of the Cold War. It simply shows how the national-security bureaucracy can metastasize into the national-sclerotic bureaucracy when it finds that …
The “Secret Deal”
Rep. Mike Turner, the Ohio Republican who chairs the armed services committee’s strategic subcommittee, remains alarmed by President Obama’s hot-mic chit-chat with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. In March, Obama told Medvedev that Obama would have “more flexibility” if he’s re-elected to hammer out a new arms-control …