Hawaii Considers Same-Sex Marriage

May become the 15th state to allow marriage rights for gay couples

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Marco Garcia / REUTERS

Same sex marriage supporters wave signs and flags in front of the Hawaii State Capital during an "All You Need is Love" rally in Honolulu, Hawaii October 27.

Hawaii may be on track to become the 15th state to legalize same-sex marriage, with lawmakers starting a special session Monday to take up the issue.

Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie called the session after state House and Senate members were unable to pass the same-sex marriage bill with the two-thirds support required. But lawmakers said the legislation has garnered overwhelming support in the Senate and enough in the House to pass, the Associated Press reports.

Abercrombie signed a same-sex civil unions bill into law in 2011, but said the new legislation will match Hawaiian law with recent Supreme Court recognizing same-sex marriages for the purpose of federal benefits. The state Senate’s Judiciary Committee will begin a hearing Monday morning after Abercrombie opens the session.

Crowds of protestors and supporters are expected to host demonstrations Monday as well.
