Priebus, Rove Defend Chris Christie on Bridgegate

No one rules New Jersey governor out for 2016

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Republicans used the Sunday talk shows to defend fellow GOPer Chris Christie after the New Jersey governor struck a contrite tone in a press conference Friday, saying his connection with the traffic scandal won’t rule out a presidential run.

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, praised Christie’s handling of the debacle, saying the governor’s one-and-a-half-hour-long press conference gave him the chance to show Americans he took “ownership” for his “mistakes.”

On Fox News Sunday, former George W. Bush White House adviser Karl Rove made a pointed contrast to a scandal of the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton, a potential Christie opponent for the 2016 presidential campaign: “The amount of attention paid to Chris Christie makes the coverage of Benghazi at the same time and the coverage of the IRS pale in comparison.”
