This winter threatens to be “bitterly cold,” with below-average temperatures in two-thirds of the country. That’s if you believe the folksy — but often, they claim, accurate — Farmers’ Almanac.
The almost 200-year-old almanac again comes out Monday, and the AP reports it’s predicting a harsh winter, one that could even bring a blizzard to the first outdoor Superbowl in years.
“We’re using a very strong four-letter word to describe this winter, which is C-O-L-D. It’s going to be very cold,” managing editor Sandi Duncan said.
The Almanac is also describing the coming winter as “piercing cold” and “biting cold.”
The Farmers’ Almanac predictions are based on the same analysis of sunspots and tidal action, largely ignored by modern meteorologists, that the publication has used since its first issue, in 1818. The publication claims it’s correct 80 percent of the time.