Marine Guardian Angel

Marine Corporal Jeffery L. Allen, crew chief with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 469, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), provides close air support from the door of his UH-1Y Venom …

Battleland Battleland

False Ceiling

A “contract ceiling,” to normal people, is an amount a contract cannot exceed. Brilliant metaphor. Monday evening the Pentagon announced an $8.4 million boost to an engineering contract “to increase the ceiling amount.” Then why call it a ceiling?

Mrs. Kelley has sent his Senate office invitations to social events, but he hasn't attended any.
— Alex Conant, spokesman for Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla. on the senator’s failure to show up at any of the events Tampa socialite Jill Kelley invited him to attend. Kelley's complaint to an FBI friend revealed David Petraeus’ affair and forced him to resign as CIA chief. Both Petraeus and Marine General John Allen repeatedly schmoozed at lavish parties at Kelley’s bayside mansion while at U.S. Central Command in Tampa.
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