An Army doctor fights to save the foot of a wounded soldier.
That becomes clear every once in awhile when reviewing what the military wants to buy.
Check out this recent Army solicitation:
Not quite sure if it’s the word “cadaver” that bothers Battleland as much as its proximity to “fresh frozen.”
“Southern Regional Contracting Office has a requirement for Cadavers for the Combat Extremity Surgery Course (6A-A0158) for the Amedd [Army Medical Department] Center and School and US Army Trauma Training Center in Miami Fl,” it says. “This requirement is being conducted as a commercial item acquisition…”
The service is apparently seeking 30 human legs – “Cadavers need to be at least from the Hemi pelvis to toe” – and 30 human arms – “Arm Specimen need to be from shoulder to finger tips” to train military doctors to deal with horrific leg-and-arm-threatening wounds caused by IEDs seen first in Iraq and now in Afghanistan. U.S. troops have suffered close to 1,600 amputations in the post-9/11 wars.
It’s tough to read about. But then again, without such training, stories like this wouldn’t be possible.