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See where GOP candidate Mitt Romney has just released a roster of more than 300 retired generals and admirals who are endorsing him for President. They range from former Army general Tommy Franks, who commanded the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as chief of U.S. Central Command, to ex-Marine general James Conway, who served as commandant from 2006 to 2010.

“I am deeply honored to have the support of so many of our most accomplished military leaders,” Romney said. “Together we will restore our military might and ensure that America can defend and protect our interests, our allies, and our people, both at home and abroad.

Restore our military might?

For the record, Battleland backs no party. But it does back clear language that helps illuminate the best current version of what passes for reality. No one in the world comes close to challenging the U.S. military. For a major candidate to suggest otherwise is pandering to the worst instincts of folks who find it in their interests to mislead.

“Governor Romney is committed to restoring America’s leadership role in the world,” said Franks, who had something to do with that back-sliding.

“The idea of massive military cuts — at a time of increased global instability—should not even be in the cards,” says Conway. Obama’s defense-spending plans contain no “massive military cuts.” But, then again, some folks say Marines have long been challenged by math.

Great. The U.S. military – at least its retired segment – is becoming another special interest group. The view from here is that the American military, retired or not, serves the nation best when it stays out of partisan politics. Military forces are tools in the toolkit, and the President, as commander-in-chief, is the carpenter who uses those tools. The military blurs that line at its peril.

Next thing you know, a just-departed member of SEAL Team Six will post a YouTube video and boast of his prowess at bringing to your next corporate confab “high-impact, actionable insights on leadership, decision-making, operating in uncertain environments, and how to become the ‘best of the best.’”

Oops. Too late.