A couple of incoming email rounds over the Labor Day Weekend wonder why something called the Creative Arts Dance Team helped the 82nd Airborne Division celebrate Women’s Equality Day Aug. 24 at Bagram air base.
You know Bagram – the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan? Where Army General Marty Dempsey’s plane was recently shelled? You know, the bullseye of the target that is the U.S. war machine in Afghanistan?
“Time to pack it in, Army,” one Battleland reader wrote.
Reaction in the blogosphere was split: “It’s hard to believe this division can trace its roots to the one that parachuted into Normandy during Operation Overlord,” one critic posted.
Others weren’t bothered. “And the difference between this and having a marching band perform? Besides the fact that you think one is `good’ and one is `bad’? Watch out! There are some kids on your lawn, circling that empty chair you’ve been shouting at.”