These days, when troops get bored in the war zone – and there’s plenty of time for that to happen – they make music videos. Here’s the latest from the Marines (and some soldiers) at Kandahar airfield in Afghanistan, lip-syncing to what Battleland is told is Carly Rae Jepson’s summer hit “Call Me Maybe.”
Dan Lamothe posted it over at Marine Corps Times Battle Rattle blog, and opinions are split:
Posts a self-described Marine sergeant:
Well thats great that these POG’s [Persons Other than Grunts] are making music videos while me and other real Marines are fighting a war. I lost my leg in Afghan last August which I am glad to have done my duty for 9 years untill i was wounded but the fact of the matter is we like so many other combat arms Marines were on a PB [patrol base] with no power no a/c no running water because logistics could not get proper equiptment to us…… But these Marines are the ones that could get it to us and there making a stupid music video what a joke. And these Marines are the one that will be the ones telling war stories in the bar.
Eric, who claims to have been a former special-forces Marine, told such naysayers to calm down:
WOW…all you former and current Marines and spouses of current and former Marines all pissed off need to chill and relax. There is ALWAYS down time no matter where you are in Afghanistan and no matter what your job. Some have more than others. That is part of the job everyone sign up for and raised their right hand. I am form SF Marine and watched people die, get hurt and carried them to the MEDEVAC bird. Some have it harder than others, but that is part of combat. Not everyone will be in the same environment and situation. That’s part of the job. To spout off about what the Marines in this video did during off time in 1 hour or less is pretty sad. It shows a lack of understanding and it shows a side of resentment on your part. If you didn’t want the job, you shouldn’t have signed up. We are all one team one fight no matter where we are, what our job, and who we are fighting or supporting. Relax and just enjoy the video.
Battleland sides with Eric.