Captain Dean Eckmann of the 119th FW, North Dakota Air National Guard, makes his first pass in his F-16 over the Pentagon near Washington DC, September 11th, 2001 following the terror attack.
Those Air Force guys – some of them, at least – are so uncouth. Now they’re complaining about the artwork gracing Air Force hallways inside the Pentagon. Take this painting, for example. “It looks like the F-16 just bombed the Pentagon,” one sighs privately.
Beyond the strange juxtaposition – let’s put our hardware front and center in one of the biggest intelligence failures in our nation’s history – this Air Force officer says the painting only serves to highlight the “irrelevance of air power” in fighting the type of terror the nation faced that grim day.

“These painting clearly do not commemorate 9/11 in any meaningful way — they just celebrate the F-16 and F-15,” the officer adds. “Those are fine airplanes to be sure, and I’m all for crowing about how cool the Eagle and Falcon are, and the artist definitely is good at painting jets. But putting them enormously in the foreground like this and calling it a tribute to 9/11 is kind of hideous.”
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