
The TV-Terrorism-Lawmaker Industrial Complex

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OK…so the House Homeland Security Committee is holding a hearing Wednesday morning on “Threats to the American Homeland after Killing Bin Laden: An Assessment.” The list of those testifying includes Peter Bergen, identified in the witness list as a “CNN terrorism analyst;” Evan F. Kohlmann, ID’d as an “MSNBC terrorism analyst;” and Frances Townsend, identified as a “CNN national security contributor.”

Chairing the committee is terror-cable-TV junkie Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. He warns in the panel’s hearing announcement that while bin Laden’s demise “is certainly a victory,” we need to be on alert for the “increased risk of retaliatory attacks against America by Bin Laden supporters.” Am I the only one who finds this whole terror-hype-fest a little strange? Who needs a gavel when you have a remote control?