Senior U.S. officials say the U.S. government used several sophisticated methods to confirm that the tall man Navy SEALs killed early Monday in Abbottabad, Pakistan, was, indeed, Osama bin Laden:
1. CIA experts compared known photos of bin Laden with photographs of the corpse, and concluded they were 95% sure the dead man was bin Laden.
2. A comparison of the dead man’s DNA and several of bin Laden’s relatives yielded “a virtually 100% DNA match.”
3. A U.S. intelligence official says one of bin Laden’s wives identified her husband by name as the SEALs closed in for the kill. Makes you wonder if, in his final seconds of his life, bin Laden realized his fate had been sealed by her use of his name.
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See a photo album of the bin Laden family
See pictures of Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout
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