
PTSD? “There’s An App For That”

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via iTunes

Troops back from war and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can download a new app put together by the Veterans Affairs and Defense departments to help them cope. PTSD Coach lets users track their symptoms and links them to local agencies that can offer assistance. It provides accurate information and individual strategies tailored to help manage symptoms, the VA says. It’s now available for downloading at the iTunes Store.

PTSD Coach is a cutting edge app which provides information and tools that Veterans and service members can use to cope with their PTSD symptoms any moment of the day—24/7,” Veterans Affairs Secretary — and former Army general — Eric Shinseki says Tuesday on his blog. But as the site where vets can download the app notes: “PTSD is a serious mental health condition that often requires professional evaluation and treatment. PTSD Coach is not intended to replace needed professional care.”