Leon Panetta

Measuring Military Effectiveness

The new Pew Research Center survey we cited the other day on waning public support for the war in Afghanistan is crammed with lots of interesting data. But this chart stopped us short. It asked the public if cutting the military’s size would reduce its effectiveness.

Battleland is no pollster, but isn’t that kind of like …

Persian Paper Tiger? Go Navy!

Less than three weeks ago, Iran’s army chief warned the screen door not to hit the stern of the USS John Stennis as it left the Persian Gulf. “I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the Persian …

About That Trillion-Dollar Cut

Seems all the bluster about cutting military spending by $1 trillion over the next decade – about 15% — isn’t the hair-on-fire moment that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his congressional allies have been …

We Mean It This Time

Sunday, January 8, on CBS’s Face the Nation:

We have made very clear that the United States will not tolerate blocking of the Straits of Hormuz. That’s another red line for us — and that we will respond to that.

— Defense Secretary Leon Panetta

Friday, January 13, on the front page of the New York Times:


Are Iran’s “Red Lines” Equally Red?

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was so busy talking about “red lines” over the weekend, you could be forgiven for thinking he was a hockey player — or a racecar driver. Of course, the defense chief’s red lines dealt with Iran – and it’s worth noting, for those of you keeping score at home – that one red line is far more …

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