Take a Tour of the Capital Dome and See Why It Needs Repair

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With 1,300 cracks, the U.S. Capital Dome is long overdue for a touch-up — and it’s finally getting one in the spring. It’s been more than 50 years since the dome last underwent major restoration, and the signs of deterioration are easily spotted in its cracked windows and rusted ornaments.

But that’s not the only damage. In addition to fixing leaks and removing rust, workers will also have to remove 14 layers of paint. The restoration project will cost $60 million over the next two years.

With 1,300 cracks, the U.S. Capital Dome is long overdue for a touch-up — and it’s finally getting one in the spring. It’s been more than 50 years since the dome last underwent major restoration, and the signs of deterioration are easily spotted in its cracked windows and rusted ornaments.

But that’s not the only damage. In addition to fixing leaks and removing rust, workers will also have to remove 14 layers of paint. The restoration project will cost $60 million over the next two years.