Watch Used to Tell Time of JFK’s Death Up for Auction

The wristwatch worn by the physician who signed President Kennedy's death certificate will go on sale next month

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The wristwatch purportedly worn by the doctor who signed President John F. Kennedy’s death certificate will go on sale at auction next month.

The 18-carat Patek Philippe watch is believed to have been worn by Dr. Kemp Clark on Nov. 22, 1963, the day Kennedy was shot in Dallas, the Associated Press reports. Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where Clark was one of several attending physicians on duty. After working to save the president’s life in the emergency room, Clark pronounced Kennedy dead at 1 p.m. and signed his death certificate.

The exact time of Kennedy’s death has been a subject of debate among historians. Clark’s relatives say he referred to the watch to tell the time of death. It will go on sale at at the Christie’s auction house on Dec. 17, and is expected to fetch up to $150,000.
