
Where’s the DEW Line When You Need It?

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Google News is a quick way to get up-to-date on areas of interest. I’ve got my Google News page weighted heavily toward military news, and it’s amazing to read what’s up there right now.

You get the impression from this trio of breaking news stories that the Pentagon and its suppliers are oblivious to the budgetary train wreck looming. They seem unable to grasp that while any one thing may be affordable by itself, all of it is not affordable if each keeps asserting that its piece is affordable:

MILITARY RETIREMENT COSTS ARE AFFORDABLE, DoD SAYS — “While the department acknowledges the military retirement system appears expensive, it is neither unaffordable nor spiraling out of control, as some would contend,” said Dr. Jo Ann Rooney, the principal deputy undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness.

reports Federal News Radio.

PENTAGON WILL ADD TO ASIAN OPERATIONS —The Obama administration plans to conduct more military exercises in Asia and take other steps to expand its influence in the region, amid concerns about China’s buildup, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said.

reports the Wall Street Journal.

LOCKHEED, PENTAGON AT ODDS OVER F-35 COSTS: SOURCES — Lockheed Martin Corp is pushing back against Pentagon efforts to make the company pay for problems that arise with the F-35 fighter jet during testing as a way to lower costs of major weapons programs, according to sources familiar with the emerging dispute.

reports Reuters.

I thought the military was supposed to have all kinds of sensors warning of impending doom, and had been trained to act accordingly.